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Jesus Christ Saves

Bible Inspiration Ministries is a Ministry based in The Netherlands, but operating internationally, with a burning desire for the Presence of Jesus Christ and a dedication to make room for His Voice to be heard.

We believe the Bible tells the story of Redemption, through Jesus Christ.
It is the Word of God reaching out to this world with the message of Hope and Salvation.

The Holy Spirit helps us to hear and understand the Word of God, and we are in every way dependant upon His direction. We long to be Inspired by what the Spirit reveals to us in our everyday life, and want to be His Vessel to bring people at the feet of Jesus.

'For no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.'

2 Peter 1:21

Moved by the Holy Spirit
spoke from God

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For God's Prophetic Voice to

be Heard throughout the Nations;

Revealing the Cross of Salvation which saves the lost.

To unlock a growing Hunger to Dwell in the Presence of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Enabling people to grow in a Deeper Understanding of God's great Love for them.

"My sheep hear My Voice, and I know them, and they follow Me."

-Jesus | John 10:27


We reach anybody who needs Jesus.

We go to the streets as well as to places where people are 'unseen'.
We reach out to people who are the victim of human trafficking and prostitution, people who are in prison, in hospitals, hospices, shelters and many other places.


With befriended fellow ministries, brothers and sisters in Christ and trained disciples we go to the streets with street evangelism.

We go to different places sharing the Hope in Jesus Christ on a personal level, after meeting and connecting with orginazations.

We train disciples to go with us.

We connect the local church to different organizations and to people who were unseen.

Our Values





We want to have eyes for that one person, and see them through the loving eyes of Jesus, who leaves the multitudes behind to visit those who are lost and hidden away.

 Doesn't he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it?
Luke 15:4b

We share the Message of the Hope in Jesus Christ. Bringing people to the Cross of Salvation and together dwelling in His beautiful Presence.

How beautiful are the feet of those who bring Good News!
Romans 10:15b

We want to spend time with people, listen to
their stories, sharing meals, and showing the love of Christ in the most simple way.

Today I must Abide at
your house.
Luke 19:5b

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About the Founder

Through the grace of God Esther van Wijk started Bible Inspiration Ministries after experiencing the call of God to 'Paint out His Love' and make visible the voice of Jesus Christ to the ones in need.


Our Foundation is built upon the Love and Grace of God; manifested through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

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