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Hello Everyone,

You are so welcome here.
My name is Esther and by God's Grace and through His power I started
Bible Inspiration Ministries after God's call to:


I experienced a burning desire and God's call for His Voice to be heard and for the depths of His Grace to be 'painted out' to people from all different nations.

Now may the Lord move your hearts into a greater understanding of God's pure love for you and into Christ's steadfast endurance. 
2 Thessalonians 3:5

When I was about seven years old I gave my life to Jesus. Nobody really taught me how, it was His Presence that was always so near.

I also started drawing at a very young age.
And even though I knew it to be something small and insignificant, I placed it in the Lord's Hands.
It all started with prophetic sketches that I would give to people personally.

After having served in the local church in every way I possibly could, the call of God for Bible Inspiration Ministries and the longing to spread His message of salvation to the lost grew stronger and stronger.
The Lord spoke to my heart to start sharing the sketches and writings of the revelations from His Word on social media.
Through His power people from all different nations followed along and received inspiration from the Voice of Jesus.

After a few years of doing this, the Lord asked me to print some of these messages that I was sharing from His heart.
The first cards came carrying the message about Jesus being the Good Shepherd. they would be given away for free to tens of thousands of people every year. 
They were being distributed in prisons, on the streets, inside the homes for the elderly, shelters and many more places. This also opened doors for me and others to speak in those places from the heart of God and for the Holy Spirit to work powerfully.

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If there is one thing you should know about me, it's that I'm just an ordinary woman!
I live a very grateful life, where Jesus Christ and His cross is the centre.

I am dependent upon His Grace in every way, and it is the power of the Holy Spirit by which I am able to go out.

And I'm grateful for the lives of Corry ten Boom and Anne van der Bijl, who served God so faithfully and are a true inspiration to me.

And I know this to be true: what God does through my life, He can do through yours! It may not look the same, but it is through the same power of the Holy Spirit.

"What I had, I placed in His Hands"

Let us go out to the lost and brokenhearted, to the people who seem hidden away.

This is the heart of Jesus.

It's such a joy to do this with brothers and sisters in Christ and fellow befriended ministries.

It is my hope and prayer that this platform will inspire you to go out, through the Love of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit.
And for you to grow closer to the heart of God, dwelling in the Presence of Jesus.

God bless you!


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