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Dear Friend

I hope this letter finds you in good health and with a heart filled with hope.

I would like to share a piece of my own story with you,
because I know that words can sometimes give strength in difficult times.

When I was eighteen years old I was having deep struggles due to sexual abuse. It was a dark and devastating experience that had a profound impact.

But dear friend, let me encourage you with the healing God has brought into my life!
In His infinite love and grace, He has granted me healing and peace.
He enabled me to forgive and to release the pain completely.
Now I am able to see everything from a new perspective.
I can now think and talk about my past without experiencing the pain or fear I once knew.

God has set me free completely, and healed me.
I am convinced that He will do the same for you, no matter what you've been through!

I want to encourage you with this Bible verse:

"I am the One who comforts you.
Who are you that you should be afraid of a mortal man?"

Isaiah 51:12

These words remind me that God is my Comforter, my source of strength and peace.
He invites me to lay down my fears and pain at His feet, so that He can comfort and heal me.

God has never left your side. He protects your soul.
No matter what people may have done to you, He is capable of restoring you completely, so that the past has no hold of you.

Jesus loves you unconditionally. I pray that you may find comfort and healing in the arms of your loving God.
That you may be able to forgive, especially when you feel like they don't deserve to be forgiven.

His peace surrounds you and His light will guide you.
Remember that you are not alone!

With love and prayers,



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